Saturday, 4 April 2015

bone china is made of bones so not be used in sattvik or any sanatan vedic festivals .

HOW GREAT INTELLIGENT KIDS ARE BORN please see this video Family Planning (परिवार नियोजन) BY RAJIV DIXIT

one can win whole world ,can run world biggest company or any unimagine goals but no one 100% confirm that his/her  child going to do what his/her parents want . if one wants a child to be a doctor he may or may not be , a lord  devotee or not.
so everyone trying to get best kids in the world . how to got them  and how to make ?

a child grow fastest inside her mother (the god on earth) . from INVISIBLE  TO A SMALL CELL from that to a two kilogram to more when come to world .in a time of 37 to 42 weeks .shocked ?

80% brain is developed inside mother and 10% upto 5 years and remaining 10% upto 10-12 years.

if mother  work and live  according to our sanatana vedic dharma  garbhgrahansanskar than  child is going to good for society .

The Health Effects of Overweight and Obesity along with treatment in natural therapies and home remedies .

today in india obesity /overweight problem is growing  very fast which is main cause of heart problem and death in india. 

25% of india total population is already trapped by this problemand obese persons are  38% more prone to heart diseases.
Research has shown that as people become "overweight" and "obese,"* their risk for developing the following conditions increases:1
  • Coronary heart disease
  • Type 2 diabetes
  • Cancers (endometrial, breast, and colon)
  • Hypertension (high blood pressure)
  • Dyslipidemia (for example, high total cholesterol or high levels of triglycerides)
  • Stroke
  • Liver and Gallbladder disease
  • Sleep apnea and breathing problem
  • Osteoarthritis (a breakdown of cartilage and bone within a joint)
  • Gynecological problems (abnormal periods, infertility)
*Overweight is defined as a body mass index (BMI) of 25 or higher; obesity is defined as a BMI of 30 or higher.

few changes in daily life if one make can live good quality of life in INDIA or other countries or region which have same climatic conditions like INDIA .
1. always drink water after one and half hour  after every meal and one hour before meal .this habit of our is a big cause of problem .  
one can take hot water just after the meal its very good but not simple or cold water should be taken.
2.always drink water while sitting as  drinking in standing ill effects our lower body part function in long time .
3.always drink water in sips not pour in stomach which is very big mistake only human being drink like this  not even  single ANIMAL drink in this way of pouring glass inside. physical hard work daily . make pranayama /asanas /daily work out as routine in early morning . for stomach not for tongue .
6.learn more and in a good way

100 % nutritions reamins if one use mitti ke bartan/ clay soil kitchen utensils

मिट्टी के बर्तनों का उपयोग करें - 

हजारों सालोंसे हमारे यहाँ मिट्टी के बर्तनों का उपयोग होता आया है। अभी कुछ सालो पहले तक गाँव की शादियों में तो मिट्टी के बर्तन ही उपयोग में आते थे। घरों में दाल पकाने, दूध गरम करने, दही ज़माने, चावल बनाने और आचार रखने के लिए मिट्टी के बर्तनों का उपयोग होता रहा है। मिट्टी के बर्तन में जो भोजन पकता है उसमे सुक्ष्म पोषक तत्वों (Micronutrients) की कमी नही होती जबकि प्रेशर कुकर व अन्य बर्तनों में पकाने से सुक्ष्म पोषक तत्वों कम हो जाते हैं जिससे हमारे भोजन की पौष्टिकता कम हो जाती है। खाना धीरे धीरे पकाना चाहिए तभी वह पौष्टिक और स्वादिष्ट पकेगा और उसके सुक्ष्म पौषक तत्वों सुरक्षित रहेंगे।
हमारे शारीर को प्रतिदिन 18 प्रकार के सुक्ष्म पौषक तत्त्व चाहिये जो मिट्टी से ही आते है। मिट्टी के इन्ही गुणों और पवित्रता के कारण हमारे यहाँ पूरी के मंदिरों (उड़ीसा) के अलावा कई मंदिरों में आज भी मिट्टी के बर्तनों में प्रसाद बनता है। अधिक जानकारी के लिए पूरी के मंदिर की रसोई देखे।

अपने आसपास के कुम्हारों से मिट्टी के बर्तन लें व उन्हें बनाने के लिए प्रेरित करें।


  1. SOOTRA 1 – While cooking if the food doesn’t get contact of air and sunlight then this food will work like slow poison in the system.
    1. This means that pressure cooker is very bad for health. While cooking in pressure cooker the grains get broken and thus become soft. This does not mean getting they are getting cooked. So the food thus prepared is useless for the body.
    2. The molecules get damaged and hence the food becomes useless for the body.
    3. Diabetes, Bronchitis, TB, Asthma etc. 48 ailments have been directly traced to pressure cooker by modern scientists at CDRI/CSIR labs.
    4. Best utensils for cooking are clay, kaansa and peetal or bronze in that order.
    5. Researchers at the CDRI Lab in Lucknow (a central govt. body) have found that after cooking say Arhar daal in Clay pots 100% of the micro nutrients originally present in the daal are still there, 93% are left after cooking in kaansa utensils and 87% after cooking in peetal  or bronze utensils.
    6. Whereas after cooking the same daal in a pressure cooker only 13% of these micro nutrients are left. Essentially what is left is worthless and unusable by the body.
    7. Refrigerator is also very harmful for health.
    8. Solar cooker is the best cooker. Those types of solar cooker should be used which have open vessels. Aluminium vessels are common in solar cookers and should never be used.

The ash left after dead body is burned contains these same 18 micro nutrients – the same as soil. No other natural thing contains all 18.
We could have produced aluminium thousands of yrs ago. Our shastras have the techniques. But we used clay pots since it is the best from every angle.
The longer an item takes to ripen in the field, the longer it will take to cook at home. Pressure cooking it will make the food useless for the body.
Nature has designed everything with enormous attention to detail. E.g. the top of the plants are eaten by humans and birds, middle part is for animals and roots are for the earth herself.

Chronic diabetics who started doing all their cooking in clay pots – sugar levels came down from 480 odd to 180 odd in less than a year.


Organic farming is 1000 times better than non organic farming (pesticides chemicals dependent farming )

Today  I am writing my views on one of the most important topic which can’t be cover in a single blog  . I

just want to know from everyone including all sides of society .

Indians are shinning in the world ? indian middle class /upper middle is growing .

 Simply  everyone is thinking we are becoming rich ,wealthy,luxurious life style  ,gentlemen and educated society,five 5-7 
star  hospitalilty  .  But what is base of richness we had assumed ? does it covers overall development of us  and our 

life  ?   is crime rate decreasing etc etc. the answer only is  monetary terms   and many luxury basis .

Reason behind to talk here is only one

ARE  we becoming healthy  sir /madam .

Are we eating good food ?

Only hygnie food court , 5 star hotels,clubs  neat and clean table  , well dressed hospitality is fine?
Had we ever think  the base from were these foodies ,chessy dishes  enter our planet is healthy ,
If mother is not healthy or diseased  than infant ? a healthy one . NOT AT ALL .
Same is the case with our mother EARTH . in INDIA  FARMING  FIELDS are very very DISEASED  reason is

CHEMICAL FARMING  (non organic farming) use of too much  chemicals to boost farming  and with less hard .BIG 


GIANTS brainwash  with idea that  using these chemicals farmer got good crop yield ,very less wastage , low chance of 

fungus pest insect and one day they become ‘rich farmer’.on other side we all know our majority of indian farmers brothers 



Simple case is of kerala
Endosulfan destroyed biodiversity of Kasaragod villages kerala

Side effects of chemical farming are
                       These chemicals  are just 2%  accepted by plant and 98% left  is entering our natural resources like water air . 

their they are penetrating  human beings and also cattle raised on causing everyone to suffer from  these 

hazardful chemicals.
Ø  Lifelong diseases  -  , chronic illnesses like diabetes and degenerative diseases like cancer .cancer term as a disease is 

more common than google .in india people have become monetary rich later but this devil has enter our society to early . 

even small kids are suffering . this chemicals farming is also very much responsible . even villager in state like Punjab are 

vry badly fighting from disease like it.

Neurological disorder like Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
Ø  Infertility- in both men and women . in many states it has rise to 20% in india . ref.  Infertility  in and also  from example of kasaragod villages more than 50% cattles are infertile.
Ø  Birth defects –due to use of these chemical farming  infant born with physical disformalities like bigheads , 6-8 fingures in one hand ,toe .without limbs & feet etc

Ø  Increase in farmer death is also caused due to these chemical & pestides.

Ø  Indirectly increasing slaughtering of our holy cows and other cattle.-as cattle demand has decreased for farming .  second point is now these chemicals have enter milk too.

Ø  Cause of soil erosion and loss of soil nutrients

Now its to move again towards our   traditional way  of farming i.e termed now as organic farming . unwanted & useless 

foreign techniques   brainwashed our whole system from government to farmers to use these chemicals and enjoy bumper 

crop this season & make them to stop traditional organic farming  

today  that organic food is again introduce with double or thriced price tag.

Question  is Why You Should Be Eat Organic Farming  ?



What is organic farming


_organic farming_is a form of _agriculture_that relies on techniques such as _crop rotation_, _green manure_, _compost_, and _biological pest control_. Depending on whose _definition_is used, organic farming uses fertilizers and pesticides (which include _herbicides_, _insecticides_and _fungicides_) if they are considered _natural_(such as _bone meal_from animals or _pyrethrin_from flowers), but it excludes or strictly limits the use of various methods (including synthetic petrochemical _fertilizers_and _pesticides_; _plant growth regulators_such as_hormones_; _antibiotic use in livestock_; _genetically modified organisms_;_[1]_human sewage _sludge_; and _nanomaterials_._[2]_) for reasons including _sustainability_, _openness_, _independence_, _health_, and _safety_.

Organic farming beneifits

1. The Promotion of Biodiversity

Organic methods such as rotating crops to build soil fertility and naturally raising animals helps to promote biodiversity, 
which returns health to each species. Organic farms are havens to wildlife, so our ecosystems are improved, as well.

2. The Reduction of Farm Pollution

No, there’s no such thing as “farm smog,” but conventional farms di create their own kind of pollution in the form of 

chemical pesticide and synthetic fertilizer run-off that harms the areas around them. With these chemicals removed from 

the equation, organic farming is far more beneficial and less impactful on our environment.

3. The Reduction of Toxic Substances in the Environment

Currently, 99.5 percent of the acres in the United States devoted to farming use non-organic methods. Approximately 382 

million acres of land in the U.S. is used for crop production, and an estimated 525 million acres is used for livestock. Add 

this up and you get over 900 million acres of land subjected to chemicals for fertilizer and pesticides, as well as other 

substances used in livestock farming. Any reduction of this number would have a benefit to the environment around us.

3. Better-Tasting Food

It’s not just imaginary: organic food actually can taste better than its conventionally farm-raised counterpart. One 

scientific reason for this is that some organic produce has lower nitrate contents than its non-organic version. This leads to 
sweeter-tasting fruits that also have been shown to contain higher levels of antioxidants. So it’s not really all in your head. 
Organic farming can lead to better flavor.

4. Better Soil

A Cornell University study estimates that conventional farming’s dependency on chemical fertilizers destroys topsoil, which 

generates a $40 billion annual loss. If organic methods were used – instead of chemical fertilizers and ammonia – we 

would instead see an increase in the healthiness of this topsoil, which in turn would produce fruit and vegetables higher in 

minerals and micronutrients.

5. Job Creation

The most recent statistics from the Organic Farming Research Foundation indicate that there are more than 10,000 

organic producers in the United States. Compare that to the nearly 2 million conventional farms. However, the 

organic farms are more profitable – even though they often require more employees. It’s not difficult to equate the 

benefit and job creation that a shift to organic farming would create.

6. Assisting the Fight Against Climate Change

Because organic farming eschews chemical fertilizers and pesticides, it reduces nonrenewable energy use. It takes 

considerable amounts of fossil fuel to create the synthetic fertilizers and pesticides used in conventional farming. What’s 

more, organic farming increases the amount of carbon returned to the soil, which in turn lessens the impact on the 

greenhouse effect and global warming.

7. Safer Water

The runoff of chemicals from conventional farming seeps into groundwater supplies, and groundwater pollution has 

become a serious issue. Soil itself is a natural water filter. Organic farming enriches the soil, which not only removes the 

risk of groundwater pollution but can also act as a way to rehabilitate soil in areas where damage to water supplies has 

already occurred.

8. Preservation of the Culture of Agriculture

It is said that every culture shares one thing in common: Food. It is a universal celebration. Organic farming celebrates 

healthfulness and biodiversity. It removes damaging chemical toxins from our environment and our food

posted by 
mayank walia 

shilpa knitart